Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Feedback – Feedback Is The Breakfast Of Champions

Leadership Feedback

One of the most difficult skills to learn is giving feedback. I am providing executive coaching for a senior vice president of a client company. As part of an initial assessment, I interviewed the boss of the executive, colleagues and co-workers. It was readily apparent that people were uncomfortable giving feedback. The boss of the senior vice president felt strongly that he should not have to give the vice president feedback. He believed someone at the level of the vice president should know what is expected of him.

The company culture is to be nice and non-confrontational. In my experience as a leadership consultant and executive coach, helping leaders overcome the fear of giving candid feedback is a critical competency.

Great leaders give and receive feedback in the moment. They are comfortable managing conflict.

Feedback is a two-way street. You must assess how well you give and receive it. Many well-intentioned leaders fail to provide blunt, direct and timely feedback to their subordinates.

This problem occurs for several reasons. Commonly, leaders and managers are afraid that criticism will demoralize employees, discussions will become confrontational, or frank conversations will result in their not being liked. This prompts many leaders and managers to postpone giving feedback until it is time for annual performance reviews.

This is a big mistake. People are more receptive to learning about themselves when feedback is offered throughout the year, as situations arise. Employees are more likely to stay at your company if they understand the issues they need to address. This is best done in a straightforward and prompt fashion.

It is much more challenging to get honest feedback from subordinates. You must cultivate a network of junior professionals who are willing to be direct with you. Equally important is what you do with the feedback. If you act on what others tell you, you will improve your own performance, boost trust and keep the feedback loop open.

Ask yourself:

o Do I give people timely and direct feedback to act upon?

o Do I have five or six junior subordinates who will tell me things I may not want to hear but need to hear?

Working with a seasoned executive coach trained in emotional intelligence and incorporating leadership assessments such as the BarOn EQi and CPI 260 can help you better receive and deliver feedback. You can become an inspirational leader who models emotional intelligence and social intelligence, and who inspires people to become happily engaged with the strategy and vision of the company.

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