Healthy Diet – 7 Healthy Eating Tips to Help Boost Your Immune System

Having a strong immune system is essential to fight off infections and to prevent us from catching colds and flu’s. A healthy immune system keeps our metabolism rate high which helps us burn calories.

The following guidelines will help to give your immune system a boost:

1) Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day that should not be missed. A good breakfast dish that is low in fat, provides plenty of fibre and slow released energy is porridge.

2) During the colder months when the risk of getting a cold is greater make plenty of vegetable stews. These are very delicious and nutritious. They are also very effective at warming up your core temperature which is needed when the climate is cold.

3) It is very important that you eat enough fresh vegetables and fruit. Government guidelines say you should eat at least 5 pieces of fresh fruit and vegetables every day. It is best to eat your vegetables either raw or slightly cooked. Steaming is the best cooking method. It is a good idea to eat a variety of different fruit and vegetables. A good guide is to eat fruit and vegetables with different colors. The deeper the color the better as that is a good sign it contains more antioxidants which are good for strengthening your immune system.

4) Increase your intake of food that has a good source of wholegrain. For example, instead of white rice try brown or wild rice as these have higher levels of nutrients. Instead of white bread eat brown wholemeal bread.

5) Design your diet around getting half the proportion of your calories from fresh organic fruit and vegetables and wholegrain foods. Your diet should be based on unrefined, unprocessed and refined carbohydrates.

6) Eat fish at least 2 times a week. Fish are a rich source omega 3 fats and fatty acids that are essential for the health of the body. The body cannot produce these so we need them from other sources and fish are one of the best. However, certain fish have higher levels of omega fatty acids than others. The best sources are the oily fishes like mackerel, herrings, wild salmon and pilchards. Try and eat fresh fish rather that the tinned variety as they are more nutritious.

7) If you are not allergic to nuts include them in your diet. Like fish they are also a rich source of fatty acids. You can eat these on their own as a healthy snack or use them with a salad.

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