Heart Disease Treatment Tips – Six Tips for Successful Heart Disease Prevention

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in most of the developed world. The incidence of cardiovascular problems continues to rise. Some blame it on the stress of modern life, the abundance of unhealthy food, the pollution in the water we drink, and the air we breathe. While these problems all are have a part, many times it comes down to individual lifestyle choices that people make. Let’s look at 6 tips that will help put you in control of your health!

Tip #1: Listen to your doctor. If you have some developing risk factors for heart disease, your doctor will have suggestions for you to follow. You may be given medications as well. It is extremely important to take them as prescribed. High blood pressure, high cholesterol and other cardiovascular problems are all “silent.” You don’t feel anything until it is too late. There is no saying, “Well, I feel fine today so I’m not taking my medication.” You doctor knows what she/he is doing so follow their instructions. If you don’t like them and care to go the supplement route, you can always get another opinion.

Tip #2: Don’t miss appointments using the same faulty reasoning. Sure, you do feel fine, but it’s important to keep a close eye on any cardiovascular problems. You doctor will recommend tests or screenings that monitor your progress. Adjustments to medications are commonly done to make sure your progress is optimal. As cholesterol is normalized, you may be able to take less medicine and rely more on correct diet and exercise to control this heart disease risk factor.

Tip #3: Your doctor can’t do it all. It is up to you to make those recommended lifestyle changes and stick with them. Giving up old habits and starting new ones can be rough, so think of some create ways to encourage your success. Lots of people enjoy journaling or keeping a record book of their diet and exercise changes. An attractive journal with daily entries can help keep you motivated. When you see your progress, you are reminded of the reason why you are making these changes. This gives you have a sense of ownership of the situation.

Tip #4: If you check your blood pressure at home or while shopping, write it down in your journal too. Remember that blood pressure readings can vary greatly throughout the day. What you are looking for is a pattern or an average of your readings. Don’t take your blood pressure during times of stress or right after heavy exercise. Sit and relax for at least 15 minutes before taking you blood pressure. Your doctor will help you learn to take accurate readings.

Tip #5: Look for ways to increase your movement. A sedentary lifestyle is a major risk factor in heart disease. Do you really have to drive those two blocks to the post office? Try walking instead. Every little bit of extra movement gets the blood flowing and helps with circulation. Instead of emailing or calling your co-worker just down the hall, get up and take a walk down to communicate with them.

Tip #6: Stay current on the latest developments in heart research. New studies are reported in the media almost daily. Yes, you’ll find conflicting research, so be aware that what studies show today may change by next year. There is a great amount of useful material and new discoveries that can help you take care of your health and your heart.

All of these are simple heart disease prevention tips you can follow that will keep your heart healthy.

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