Is There a Cure for Cancer? Why Patients Are Finding Relief Using Immunocal

So what is Immunocal?

Immunocal and Immunocal Platinum are the culmination of over 30 years of research done in conjunction with some of the leading North American Universities and hospitals, including Mc Gill University and its teaching hospital, the Montreal General Hospital. Immunocal has been clinically proven to help support healthy glutathione levels in the body and is an important element in the process of eliminating toxins and pollutants. It contains natural proteins isolated from milk, but only negligible amounts of fat and lactose.

What then is glutathione?

Glutathione has come to be known as the ‘master antioxidant’. It is comprised of glutamic acid, glycine and cysteine. While we get lots of glutamic acid and glycine from the foods that we eat, cysteine is harder to obtain. Eating pure cysteine as a supplement is also largely ineffective and can make you feel ill. Immunocal and Immunocal Platinum however, deliver cysteine to the body as part of a larger protein so that it can be more easily absorbed and without the ill effects.

How does this help cancer patients?

As you may know, antioxidants participate directly in the destruction of reactive oxygen compounds commonly called ‘free radicals’. Not only is glutathione the most essential antioxidant your body produces, but all other antioxidants that we may get from our diet, require the presence of glutathione to function properly. A steady supply of glutathione therefore is critical for your immune system’s responsiveness to disease. As glutathione levels fall we succumb to disease, as glutathione levels are raised, our white blood cells are better able to function in their fight against disease. This is how Immunocal, especially Immunocal Platinum has been helping cancer patients in their fight against the disease.

Finally, Immunocal and Immunocal Platinum possess an impressive credentials list. This includes the following:

  • Recommended for Immune system support in the Physician’s Desk Reference and listed in the Pharmacist’s Red Book.
  • Approved for Medicare and Medicaid in certain states
  • Recognized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as GRAS (generally recognized as safe)
  • Approved for safety, quality and efficacy standards by Health Canada
  • Granted a Canadian Natural Product Number (NPN) for supporting Immune Function
  • Proven to maintain muscular performance
  • Certified free of prohibited substances in 2007 by’s Athletic Banned Substance Screening Program
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