Pain Management and Pain Treatment Overview

An unpleasant feeling associated with some tissue damage is called pain. Pain Management is a discipline concerned with pain relief and needs proper assessment of the pain causes. As the pain cause is assessed and described then the relevant doctor can prescribe the pain medicine or pain treatment for the person.

Acute pains normally need the investigation of the reason and then the elimination of the reason or the correction of the problem can sort out this issue.

Chronic pains are comparatively difficult to diagnose and treat and often take a longer time of span to treat and cure.

Breakthrough pains are another type of pains which can start and end suddenly at any time and could be due to some medicine effect or some atmospheric reasons.

Pains could also be physiological as well as clinical and are also often categorized as Nociceptive or Neuropathic pains. In Nociceptive pains body’s nervous system works properly while in Neuropathic pains nervous system is not working.

Pain Management:
Almost all sort of medicine practitioners/doctors can do Pain management. Following are some of the skills and techniques used for the Pain Management:

  • Interventional Procedures
  • Medication Management
  • Physical Therapy or Chiropractic Therapy
  • Psychological Counseling and Support

Pain Treatment:
There are several ways to address the pains and with respect to the sort of pain and the condition of the patient different sort of pain treatments can be provided. Following are some of the pain treatment ways:

  • Interventional Pain Treatment
  • Counter Stimulation
  • Equagesic
  • Acupuncture
  • Alternative Medicine
  • Therapy
  • Psychological Counseling
  • Surgery
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