Personality Disorders – 9 Signs Your Partner May Be Suffering From a Personality Disorder

Relationships require commitment, effort, and dedication on the part of both partners to be truly successful. Provided both people are reasonably balanced and healthy mentally, the effort can result in a mutually fulfilling, happy union. Yet there are some individuals who are hard wired differently than the rest of us. This fundamental difference in the way their personalities manifest can cause a great deal of heartache and bewilderment on the part of the non-disordered spouse. While only a licensed mental health professional can diagnose a personality disorder, it is helpful to be familiar with some of the signs of such destructive disorders as narcissism and sociopathy/psychopathy. Here are 9 signs your partner may suffer from a personality disorder:

1. Lack of empathy. You partner may be unable to see things through the eyes of others, and lacks a sensitivity to the emotional viewpoint of other people. This may result in actions that are callous and self serving.

2. Lack of genuine guilt or remorse. Your partner may cry about being caught, but it is not the same as a genuine attack of conscience. Your partner may actually feel as if they had the right to commit the hurtful action because the victim was “weak.”

3. Shallow emotion and superficial charm. Your partner may show a great deal of charisma, but have little emotional depth.

4. Poor impulse control. He or she may have a tendency toward boredom and exhibit risky behaviors regardless of the consequence to others. He or she may have trouble delaying gratification and engage in compulsive behaviors with drugs, alcohol and sex.

5. Consistent displays of irresponsibility. Your partner may have difficulty holding down a steady job, paying bills on time, or honoring commitments.

6. Manipulative, compulsive lying, and/or conning. Your partner may lie about everything and anything. He or she may have no problems with taking advantage of others, and will say or do what is necessary to accomplish his or her agenda.

7. Grandiose sense of self worth. Your partner may exaggerate accomplishment and desire excessive amounts of admiration. This is akin to a drug addict seeking his or her drug of choice, the “narcissistic supply”. He or she may adopt a haughty attitude, and feel entitled to preferential treatment and expect to associate with special people or institutions.

8. Failure to conform to social norms. Your partner may feel as if the rules and laws of society simply do not apply to him or her.

9. A tendency toward violent behavior. Some people with personality disorders have a greater tendency toward violence.

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