Source Naturals Wellness Formula Product Review – Should You Try it Out Or Not?

The Source Naturals Wellness Formula has received a lot of attention as a top level winter supplement. In this article I will examine what makes up Wellness Formula and take a look at what some people have had to say about it.

Wellness Formula is a combination of herbs, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals designed to get to the root cause of bodily imbalances. It’s goals are to strengthen the immune system, boost the bodies stress defenses, provide antioxidant defense and fight off free radicals. Additional objectives are to cleanse the mucous membranes, help clear mucous from the upper respiratory system and to help you feel better faster. This is a pretty tall list.

Let us begin by taking a look at what Source Natural Wellness formula is made up of.

The chief ingredients with their amount per serving and {44f93193654ee8e357ba54f38b49cfc3563b7d623a8103b2d4e387aa181f7fed} daily value are as follows:

Vitamin A 5,000 IU 100{44f93193654ee8e357ba54f38b49cfc3563b7d623a8103b2d4e387aa181f7fed} Zinc 23 mg 150{44f93193654ee8e357ba54f38b49cfc3563b7d623a8103b2d4e387aa181f7fed} Vitamin C 1,290 mg 2,150{44f93193654ee8e357ba54f38b49cfc3563b7d623a8103b2d4e387aa181f7fed} Selenium 60 mcg 90{44f93193654ee8e357ba54f38b49cfc3563b7d623a8103b2d4e387aa181f7fed} Copper 300 mg 15{44f93193654ee8e357ba54f38b49cfc3563b7d623a8103b2d4e387aa181f7fed}

Other ingredients of note include garlic clove (360 mg), elder berry extract (240 mg), propolis (324 mg), echinacea root extract (200 mg), echinacea pallida root (142 mg), horsehound aerial parts (100 mg), bioflavonoids (84 mg), astragalus root extract (54 mg), goldenseal root (45 mg), pau d’arco bark extract (33 mg), grape seed extract (15 mg), ginger root extract (15 mg).


Wellness formula is a bio-aligned formula designed to bring harmony to the multiple interconnected systems that influence winter health. Here’s how it works.

The first thing that Source Naturals Wellness formula does is to promote the immune system. The immune system contains barriers that keep foreign materials from entering your body, such as the skin, mucus and the cough reflex. If these barriers fail, protection is then provided by internal components. Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Zinc and Astragalus all play primary roles in strengthening the immune system.

Another chief goal of Wellness Formula is the cleaning of mucous membranes. Our nasal passages, sinuses, throat and bronchial tubes are protected by mucous membranes, moist layers of connective tissue that are the first line of immune defense. Cleaning the mucous membranes is an important part of winterizing your immune system. Vitamin A is necessary for the secretion of mucin (a constituent of mucus) in the intestinal mucous membranes and for the integrity of connective tissue. Vitamin C, mullein, copper and zinc also work to support the integrity of vessels and membranes. Astragalus, isatis, garlic, goldenseal, Oregon grape and pau d’arco are herbs that cleanse the mucous membranes.

As important as mucous membranes are the immune system, too much mucus can be bad. Wellness Formula includes herbs such as mullein, horsehound, Oregon grape and goldenseal that support the body’s clearing of excess mucus in the upper respiratory system.

We now have been made aware that emotional and physiological stress significantly impact the immune system. The herb astragalus supports stress response.

While carrying out their immune functions, white blood cells generate free radicals which are highly reactive molecules that can damage the very white blood cells that produce them. Vitamin C, which is a free radial scavenger, is concentrated in certain white blood cells, providing them with a built-in defense system. Source Naturals Wellness Formula contains a potent dose of vitamin C. Bioflavonoids act as co-factors that complement vitamin C. An extra dose of antioxidant support is provided by vitamin A, copper, selenium and pau d’arco.

Real Life

It looks like everything is there. It looks like Wellness Formula should be a super disease fighting agent. On paper, it looks fantastic. Let’s take a look at what others have had to say about it. I went to several sites that sell Wellness Formula and took a sampling of their customer reviews. This survey that I took was totally random and I did not discard any responses. Results were as follows:

Ratings were based on a 1 (low) to 5 (high) scale. From a total of 20 customer reviews, 17 gave Wellness Formula a 5, 1 rated it as a 4, 1 rated it as a 2, and 1 rated Wellness Formula as a 1. The average rating was a 4.6.

Some of the negative comments regarding Wellness Formula were:

1. Be careful if you have allergies. One person mention that he/she was probably allergic to one of the herbs and felt tightness in the chest and had difficulty breathing after taking Wellness Formula. 2. The pills are rather large and smell and taste somewhat bad. (Wellness Formula formerly did consist of large pills that did have a somewhat unpleasant odor but now they come in medium size gel capsules with no aroma, quite an improvement.) 3. It is best to take them with a meal.

Some of the favorable comments included:

1. Works well for cold like viral infections. 2. Best to take at the first sign of imbalance. It was mentioned several times that when taken right at the first signs of illness, Wellness Formula either warded off the sickness, lessened the symptoms or shortened the duration. 3. Wellness Formula works well as a winter time preventative. It also is a good idea to take Wellness Formula as a preventative when traveling. 4. There were many generally favorable comments. Far more acclimates than negative responses.


Taking all things into consideration, Source Naturals Wellness Formula looks like a natural herbal defense complex that should be very effective. The ingredients are made up of well established herbs, vitamins and minerals. The customer responses were for the most part very positive. When a serious cold or flu comes about most of us become very miserable. If there is a natural way to prevent such a sickness, or even lessen the symptoms or length, most people would nearly jump through hoops for the solution. Source Naturals Wellness Formula could be the answer.

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