The 6 Top Health Benefits of Drinking Dandelion Tea Herbal Tea Remedies Explored

Drinking dandelion tea has been one of the most popular and well known herbal tea remedies for centuries. Who knew that this nutritional powerhouse, disguised as a weed, was so beneficial for you?

According to these USDA, dandelions rank number 4 in overall nutritional value of all vegetables (USDA Bulletin #8, Composition of Foods, 1984). They have been found to be the richest green vegetable source of beta-carotene. This is the chemical from which Vitamin A is made. Dandelions have also been found to be the third richest source of Vitamin A of all foods! The two foods preceding dandelions on that list are cod-liver oil and beef liver.

Chinese health practitioners used dandelions to treat disorders of the digestion system, as well as women that were not able to produce enough breast milk for their babies.

American Indians have used dandelions to alleviate many different health problems. The Iroquois tribe cooked fatty meats with dandelions to avoid upsetting their stomachs. The Indians of the Ojibwas tribe drank the herbal tea from the dandelion to alleviate heartburn. The women of the Kiowa Indian tribe enjoyed the flower blossoms and combined them whit penny royal to decrease menstrual cramps. Dandelion tea was enjoyed daily by the Mohicans to promote high energy levels. It was also used to avoid constipation and stomach disorders.

There are multiple health benefits of drinking dandelion tea. Dandelions rich with many minerals, vitamins and nutrients, plentiful in antioxidants and micronutrients make this one of the most effective herbal tea remedies.

More on the 6 top health benefits of drinking dandelion tea. Herbal tea remedies explored.

The benefits of herbal tea remedies can vary. Not every body responds in the same way. What works for someone may not work for you. It is always important to consult your health care provider when including and herb or over the counter medication into your diet.

There are many more health benefits of dandelion tea than I present to you here. I will address the top five.

• Natural energy booster. Drinking dandelion tea gives an individual a new level of energy with out any of the negative side effects one might experience with todays energy drinks or caffeine.

• The powerful antioxidants in dandelions make it a good anti cancer fighting agent. In 1979, Japanese researchers developed a patent utilizing dandelions as an anti tumor agent.

• Effective as a natural diuretic. Has been utilized by women for centuries to alleviate water retention prior to their periods. It has been found to be effective in lowering blood pressure in those that suffer from mild hypertension. Rich in linoleic and linolenic acid, these essential fatty acids are utilized by the body to produce prostaglandin, which regulates blood pressure. It is important to note here that the high potassium content in dandelions prevents the common side effects of many prescribed diuretics, which are potassium depleting.

• Promotes heart health and lowers cholesterol. Prevents platelet aggregation meaning it has a slight ability to thin the blood to prevent heart attacks and stroke. The high concentration of B vitamins promotes stress relief. Has been used for centuries as a blood purifier.

• Dandelions have anti inflammatory properties that enhance the immune system and strengthen the liver and gallbladder. It has been found to stimulate bile production and can eliminate any inflammatory conditions of the bile duct.

• Rich in choline and lecithin, it can improve memory. These components together increase the production of acetylcholine, which is responsible for nerve to nerve synapse communications to the brain. This affects memory, muscle movement and learning. Individuals that have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease have been found to have low levels of acetylcholine.

There are many more health benefits associated with drinking dandelion tea. Now that you are more familiar with the advantages of these healthy herbs, the next time you spot a dandelion in your lawn, you might find yourself thinking of it as the natural healing herbs in the yard, instead of as a weed you want to get rid of. Consider the herbal tea remedies and your body may benefit from drinking a cup of dandelion tea.

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