The Benefits of Echinacea – A Super-Compliment to Your Detox

One of the benefits of Echinacea is how it assists the body both during and after a detox.

When detoxing the body can go through a pretty rough time trying to remove all of the toxins from the body.

During this time the body can experience a healing reaction that causes us to feel potentially far worse before the benefits of the detox really kick in. During the end stages of a detox or just after there can be huge benefits to taking Echinacea both as an immune builder and for any residual toxin removal. In this article you will find out what a super herb this is and the many benefits of Echinacea use, both after a detox and generally for immune and system support.

Introduction to Echinacea

Echinacea (or Echinacea Angustifolia/Echinacea Purpurea) is a pretty fabulous plant. As a sacred plant of the Native Americans, Echinacea is considered to be the most beautiful of all the North American wild flowers. It was brought to the West almost 200 years ago to treat cancer, colds, smallpox etc. It has been famously depicted in wild west films as ‘snake medicine’, capable of curing rattlesnake bites! Although native to North America it can be grown in many climates, including Britain, although it dislikes heavy damp soils and does better on light, freely draining ones!

What Echinacea does

If the immune system has been low or has undergone some pretty big changes over recent months then it is a good idea to help re-build it. Echinacea works as a modulator or stimulator of the immune response, rather than as a stimulant (as was previously thought!). Echinacea works by preparing your Monocytes (a type of white blood cell that gets rid of bad stuff in the body!) for a quicker immune response.

Benefits of Echinacea – especially after detoxing

1) Can really help inflammatory skin conditions that can typically be made temporarily worse by a detox. Skin complaints often have toxicity at their root. Contact Dermatitis and Psoriorsis can both respond to topical salves containing Echinacea Root.

2) Can really help reduce sore throats and raised lymph glands. When detoxing your bodies immune response is being worked hard and often lymph glands can be temporarily raised. It can also help with general sore throat syptoms and Tonsillitis etc. It does this by Echinacea’s ability to mobilize the immune components in the area.

3) Can be a great help to Urethritis and Cystitis. Anything with the word ‘itis’ at the end means ‘inflammation’ and for these conditions the conditions of infection and inflammation can be reduced.

4) Colds, coughs and flu can also be eased by taking Echinacea as it reduces the attendant inflammation.

5) Thrush – one of the big benefits of Echinacea is that is is very helpful with fungal overgrowths (Candida etc). This is very good if you are doing a fairly short term detox and yet have a suspected Candida overgrowth as well.

6) Can be used safely in pregnancy at a time when anti-biotics are not advised. It is safe for toddlers, babies and children.

7) It is good for any time that you may have post viral fatigue or your immune system is depressed as it is able to protect cells from invasion, damage, bacteria, virus or pathogens.

8) During a detox it is excellent as it increases the bodies overall ability to dispose of bacteria, infected and damaged cells, toxins and other harmful chemicals.

9) Great as a quick aid to food poisoning as it reduces severity and eases symptoms.

10) Great for preventing the ‘aging’ of the immune system

Most people understand the benefits of Echinacea for almost any condition where the immune system is needed to assist recovery, so the above is a very small cross-section. It can also be used anywhere the skin is punctured or hurt e.g. small cuts, infected wounds etc.

Energetic Benefits of Echinacea

Good quality Echinacea has the ability to encourage huge amounts of saliva production. This alleviates fear and brings a sense of well-being and peace. Great during or after a detox as it helps soothe the mind and give a sense of relaxation and renewal.

Please note that the root is the best part to use and ideally this should feature on the ingredients. Echinacea can be used safely alongside antibiotics, prescription medications and the contraceptive pill.

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