What You Should Know About Obesity As A Deadly Disease

Did you know that obesity is now classified as a disease and that physicians are compelled by medical ethics to offer treatment for all diseases? Weight control experts believe that obesity carries medical risks so severe that for a physician to delay offering treatment would be a form of malpractice. What does your doctor say about your weight?

Not only will you reverse a multitude of disease risks if you lose weight, you will acquire a new sense of self-esteem and improved quality of life. Certainly, to be able to find and utilize the opportunity to achieve weight loss and the attendant benefits is your desire.

Obesity and Diseases

Excessive body fat is associated with increased risks of disease. For example, even a modest weight gain during adulthood brings an increased risk of diabetes among women. Excess weight has been named as the cause of up to half of all cases of hypertension, and thus increases the risk of stroke.

Often weight loss alone can normalize the blood pressure of an over weight person; some people who suffer from hypertension can tell you exactly at what weight their blood pressure begins to rise.
Being over weight also triples a person’s risk of developing diabetes and all of its associated ills. If hypertension or diabetes runs in your family you urgently need to attend to controlling body over weight.

The unhealthy risks of over weight are so many that it has been declared a disease. Obesity, in addition to diabetes and hypertension predispose other health risks such as high blood lipids, Cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea (abnormal pauses in breathing during slept)

Other serious health conditions associated with Obesity are: Osteoarthritis, abdominal hernias, cancer, varicose veins, gout, gallbladder disease, arthritis, respiratory problems (including pickwickian syndrome, a breathing blockage linked with sudden death) liver malfunction, complications in pregnancy and surgery, flat feet, and even a high accident rate.

Moreover, after the effects of diagnosed disease are taken into account, the risk of death from other causes remains almost twice as high for people with lifelong obesity as for others.

Rate of weight loss

Successful long term weight control requires controlled low loss of body fat without cyclic “on-again off-again” dieting. Losing a pound a week helps maintain muscle while preferentially losing fat tissues.

Commit to exercising for life

Exercising for life helps keep the body engine revved up, so that more calories are burned by muscle and less insulin is required to dispose of elevated blood sugar following meals. Even a daily half-hour of vigorous walking will help maintain weight.

Commit to changing eating habit.

Your diet is the basis of your health. Eating right or wrong makes you either over weight or drives your over weight to obesity levels. Let your nutritionist or doctor guide you, so that you consume only the necessary calories and at the required intervals


(BMI) is a standard for body weight based upon the measurements of height and weight. This is one of the most useful relationships; it can be used to asses health risks associated with overweight and it can be used as a therapeutic guide. There is a high degree of correlation between BMI and body fast. BMI is based upon surveys of lean adult between the age of 20 and 29 to calculate the index of fatness.

BMI = Weight(kg)/height(m)2

Take care of your weight before it becomes a source of serious health problems.

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