New Challenge – Support Your Good Health!

We take good health for granted, just as we do the water pipes in our homes. Energy, strength and vitality are accepted as normal. We think no more about health than we do about the hot or cold water that pours out at a turn of the faucet. We are as shocked at the unexpected health crisis as we are if we suddenly find ourselves splashing about in an inch of water on the kitchen floor.

This is something that happens to other people, not to us! We never feel sick. We’re well and healthy! If we do have some little problem, we check with a doctor who prescribes an antibiotic. It’s like a plumber fixing the broken pipe.

Those of us who are in good health probably give little thought to the built-in protection that keeps us safe and well. Like our dependable water pipes, we take it for granted. Yet every minor or major health problem, from the common cold to cancer, is dealt with by the immune system that each of us has in the body. With its trillion or more cells it accounts for over 2 pounds of our body weight. It recognizes bacteria, viruses and parasites when they invade the body. . It responds to each of them individually And it remembers the invaders and repeats its defense if they turn up again. Many health threats are avoided, thanks to a healthy immune system.

This is especially important today, when health crises are significant, not limited to “just something going around.” Scientists speak not of epidemics, but of pandemics – world wide disease. They are concerned that our race to develop effective drugs and antibiotics is not one we are going to win. The enormous strength of Western Medicine must in this respect, confront its inadequacy.

What does this mean for you and me? If modern science is unable to keep up with new and widespread health dangers, if a quick trip to the emergency room fails to resolve new threats to our physical wellness, what do we do?

We must, first of all, acknowledge our individual responsibility for good health. We can’t wait for something to “start leaking” – in the “plumbing model” to which we have been accustomed – and rush off to the ER for a perfect pill to “fix it.” Sound nutrition, vitamins, minerals and other supplements, fresh air, sunshine and good exercise are more important today, in a world subjected to never-ending stress, than ever before.

Furthermore we must direct careful attention to strengthening the immune system. This is a powerful factor in promoting the good health that many of us take for granted

We can learn to avoid the temptation of resorting to the over-the-counter tablet that purports to supply all our needs. Scientific research over years of time has made reliable products available to us to support and maintain a vigorous, trustworthy immune system. You and I can learn to be wise and seek out the best!

© 2009 Esther E. Hansen

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